Simulation of Laminated Object Manufacturing (LOM) process.

Laminated Object Manufacturing (LOM) Process

  • Laminated object manufacturing is a lesser known additive manufacturing process in which fabrication of objects is done by laying down layers over the layers of the build material sheets.

  • These sheets are coated with heat activated adhesive materials, so when heat and pressure is applied these sheets get bonded together. This is done with help of Heated Roller, it is rolled over sheet material to activate the adhesive coating.

  • 3D CAD model is sliced in layers and converted into .stl file which contains the information about surface geometry of the model. Countours of 2D projections are cut on each layer using laser cutters or knifes.

  • Support material receives less adhesion than final part while waste material is hatched by laser for removal process.

  • First layer of sheet material is mounted on a retractable platform which lowers down after processing of each layer. This process is repeated until the final product is ready. Waste material is removed manually.

  • Material supply roll contains rolled material sheets and scrap material is rolled back into waste take-up roll.


  • Commomly used material for LOM is adhesive coated paper, while plastics and metal laminates are also used.

  • Typical layer resolution for this process is defined by the material feedstock and usually ranges in thickness from one to a few sheets of copy paper.


  • Relatively high-speed process.
  • Low cost (readily available materials).
  • Large-scaled builds possible.
  • No chemical reactions so not health threating.
  • Parts can be used immediately after the process (no need for post-curing).
  • No additional support structure is required (the part is self-supported)


  • Removal of the scrap material is a laborious task.
  • The ā€˜zā€™ resolution is not as high as for other technologies.
  • Materials like paper can be a fire hazard.
  • Need for sealing step to keep moisture out.
  • Paper objects have lower surface finish, accuracy and stability as compared to other AM methods.


  • Investment casting patterns.
  • Concept verification.
  • Fit-check
  • Decorative Articles.